Tech Entrepreneur

Software Engineer

Public Speaker

Innovation Advocate


Breeding Greatness | Inspiring Innovation | Transforming Lives

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Brands I’ve Worked With Over The Years

Who Am I?

Hey there!

I am GODSWILL Akpan, a tech enthusiast with a passion for all things innovation

I am on a mission to make the tech world a little more welcoming, accessible, and inspiring for everyone.

By day, I'm your go-to tech guru, a business mogul in the making, always exploring the latest innovations. But by night (or whenever inspiration strikes), I'm a relentless advocate for purpose discovery, diving headfirst into the world of personal awareness to help you understand you, navigate through the seasons of your life, and thrive in the things you do.

But that's not all! I'm a firm believer that faith and technology can coexist beautifully. I've made it my calling to bridge these worlds, showcasing the incredible potential that emerges when we blend innovation with unwavering principles.

When I'm not diving into the tech universe or empowering the DeFi community, you can catch me in action as a public speaker, sharing insights on emerging technologies and leading mentorship sessions that aim to inspire and equip. I believe that together, we can embrace innovation, chase our dreams, and make a meaningful impact.

So, if you're ready to explore the thrilling intersection of tech, faith, and innovation, you're in the right place.

Join me on this exciting journey, and let's shape the future together!

My Engagements

I have a special gift for you.

Niching Down

A free e-book to help guide you in the journey of discovering your path in the teeming tech world.

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Join the FTLD Community to kickstart your tech journey!

Interested in growing in the tech space, connecting with other tech enthusiasts that will keep you motivated in your tech journey?

At FTLD (For The Love of Defi) , we are empowering our community members to embrace innovation using emerging tech skills!

Our platform is known to help over 3000 people transition into the tech space, find their paths and become Key Opinion Leaders in their tech tracks.


VoG Podcasts

Meet with Godswill Akpan. Introducing Me.

Coming Soon

The Power of Personal Branding in the Tech Space.

Coming Soon

Digital Skills in 2024: What You Should be Looking at.

Coming Soon

Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies: Why You Should Invest.

Coming Soon

Godswill Akpan on Medium


The Ethereum merge is finally complete as the cryptocurrency switches...

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AI and the Blockchain; What are the possibilities?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain are two...

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Blockchain bridges: A Simple Guide

The prospective future of decentralized blockchain...

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The rise of decentralized autonomous organizations...

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Godswill Akpan on YouTube

Web2 vs Web3: Benefits of Web3

My Smart Contract Developer Journey at Web3

Blockchain Vulnerabilities: The Delimitation of Web3 and Innovation.

Understanding DeFi Protocols and Infrastructures, a deep dive to blockchain usecases.